The Badger is an Animal, an Alternative View.

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Early Days

Final Days

Epping Ave

Early days

Final Days !

We moved in in 1955 . We sold it in Aug 2009.

This is a eulogy to the once proud house that dominated Epping Ave and has been sacrificed to the twin godesses of Greed & Progress.

Early black and white photo of "56".

Note the size of the gum tree in the front yard, the shadow from the setting sun barely reaches the gutter.

In 2008 the Electricity mob needed to prune the trees next to the sub-station, by then the lowest branch of the gum tree spead over the roof of the house.

Unfortunately, after Dad's death we needed to sell the property. After some time we arranged a purchaser, from just down the street, and in discussions with them she assured me that they were buying it for their children and we would love what they were going to do with the place.


Then in 2xxx the cubby was gone.
But not only the cubby, the house as well.
Replaced with a massive road down the middle of the block.
The back deck and Hendo's house hidden behind the frangipani, and then .. nothing.
Reverse angle shot of deck and garage, with cubby behind. & then ..nothing.
The wedding terraces, replaced by "the Road"
The bottom path and the gully, note palm tree on right hand side. The palm tree once dwarfed by a massive camphor laurel is now overshadowed by "the Road"
Looking along the bottom path with palm tree below gabbions and now "the Road"

This road is massive.

Looking back up to the house with the massive Monsteria covered Ironbark in the centre of the frame,.

the path for "the Road" skirting below the "V" shaped Ironbark and then above the "Monster" Ironbark.
From the bottom path looking at the gabbions & the "V" shape Ironbark. "the Road" with the gabbions visible underneath on the right hand side.
The gabbions and Ryan & julie on the wedding terrace & the same gabbion under "the Road"
"the Road" extends right through the middle section and out onto the open area at the back.
Happier times, when Biff & Trish got married under the massive palm tree.
Looking back up the top path from under the big palm with the house barely discernible through the trees , and now "the Road"
The wedding terraces accommodated 150 people for Julie's wedding.

It all disappeared under "the Road".

Seen here with the boys from next door giving it some perspective.

Not only is "the Road" massive but the water redistribution system is huge.
The middle path, joining the top path & the bottom path. The pit, an underground water storage tank, bigger than the cubby.
  This underground tank then release the water slowly behind the wooden barricade, allowing the water to soak in to the hillside, the start of the watercourse.
Pre-existing back-yard. Backyard with water retention "feature"
The renovation vandalsim doesn't stop with "the Road"
"The Tree" star of so many group photos over fifty years is gone. Mum's beloved Gardenias - gone.
Sub-station corner, wildflower heaven Butchered
The side lawn, shady nook. Bare earth, to disappear under a "modern" pretention for a home.
The top path, home to clivia and assorted herbaceous evergreen plants. Another barren wasteland.
"56" from hendo's corner, looking across to the sub-station. Two houses, separated by "the Road" will occupy this space.

Picture this in 20 years. - Ah no, there will be another house right about there.

Sorry Mrs Campton, we don't love it, we hate it.