The Badger is an Animal, an Alternative View.

Home Memento ArtWorks Don&Olga Relatives Gatherings
Brand St.;
Brand St. as we knew it before Mum knocked the front fence down swinging the car into the drive.
A photo of Brand St taken in 2004. The local primary school was having an anniversary and I went along and swung past the old house as well. Neil at 1 week at Brand St. April, 1946.
Don & Olga had bought Brand St. Croydon shortly before Don's transfer to the U.S.A. So Auntie Jean & Uncle Les moved in when they goy married.The twins Maureen ^\& Lynette were born there.The front gate is clearly visible in the background .
On returning to Australia, the family moved back into Brand St & Auntie Jean's family moved to Bell St. Asquith where whe remained until her death in xxxx. Patricia was born there in July, 1952. Margaret, Patricia & Neil, must have been shortly befor moving to Epping.

Trish on Brand St., Note studebaker in background


Photo taken from the end of Brand St as the Queen flashed by. Croydon Public School, which Neil attended till 4th class.
  Neil has clear memories of sitting out on these verandah's. Especially when the rest of the class was doing art, Neil professed no interest or ability and was allowed to sit outside and draw geometric patterns with compass & set square.
The school was built at the top of the hill and the playgrounds cascaded down the hill . This was still evident although many more buildings had been built over the years.  
Modern design concepts make the classrooms far less austere than in the early '50s. The multi-culturalism of modern Croydon was clearly evident, not only in the classroom but in the cooking book that had been produced for the anniversary.
Smith's factory & the brickworks tip have been replaced by modern aoartment complexes.
The corner shop which we passed every day on the way to school & church. Our house is in he next street & at the far end of the block. Smith's factory was opposite. Brand St. looking South towards the railway line. Our place was the white picket fence in the front left. Interestingly the area is now far quieter than Epping Ave where we moved to.
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